Original Ironpower®

Back again in a brand new edition!

The Original Ironpower® – behind this powerful name stands the exclusive gyroscopic hand trainer from Kernpower®. Manufactured to the highest quality standards in Germany.

The Ironpower® gets its proverbial “power” from the two-part high-end rotor. A mass-optimised, solid stainless steel casing is pressed onto the robust 5-hole aluminium wheel rim.
With this 246 g rotor, you generate a training weight of up to 21 kg through gyroscopic movements.

The metal rotor is made to rotate with muscle power through circular movements from the wrist. The speed can be adjusted to the personal training level.

The original Ironpower® hand trainer is available in either plain silver or elegant anodised matt black.

RRP* € 99.90

Item No. Variant Silver: 013
EAN Variant Silver: 4260097920131

Item No. Variant Black: 014
EAN Variant Black: 4260097920148

*Recommended retail price

Just a few minutes a day are enough

The Original Ironpower® – behind this powerful name stands the exclusive gyroscopic hand trainer from Kernpower®. Manufactured to the highest quality standards in Germany. The Ironpower® is the standout hand exerciser for increasing hand and forearm strength. Perfect as a training tool for all activities that require a secure and strong grip – e.g. for sports such as climbing, tennis, golf, cycling or fitness training. The effect during training is directly on the muscles in the forearm, upper arm and shoulders. Ideal for targeted and complementary strength training, warm-up, regeneration or relaxing the muscles after training.

PC users, software developers, typists or gamers also benefit from regular Ironpower® training. Painful wrists, stiff fingers and tensions are loosened. In this way, complaints such as mouse arm, RSI or carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented with regular use. Always seek the opinion of a doctor or therapist beforehand as to whether training with the Ironpower® makes sense for your medical problems.

In addition to its use as a training tool, the Ironpower® is also a great way to balance out your busy everyday life. Enjoy the voluminous, calming feeling of the quietly and powerfully rotating precision rotor – consisting of an aluminium rim and the solid stainless steel jacket ring.
Thus, 246 g of mass rotate gently at low revolutions in the high-quality metal shell.


The self-image

  • proven and consistent quality – Made in Germany
  • precision at a high-end level
  • volume-optimised stainless steel jacket ring
  • 5-hole aluminium rim and axle with ideal rotation behaviour
  • perfect shell parts – each CNC-machined from one piece of aluminium
  • massive power development with low weight

The powerful rotor

The Ironpower® gets its proverbial “power” from the two-part high-end rotor. A mass-optimised, solid stainless steel casing is pressed onto the robust 5-hole aluminium wheel rim. This connection provides precise and smooth rotation. The voluminous force of the spinning rotor can be felt directly and heavily in the hand or forearm. A powerful feeling!

The elegant shell

Ironpower® – this name stands for a robust full metal housing. The CNC-turned aluminium shells guarantee precision as well as a timeless, simple design.

The perfectly designed thread connects the shell elements precisely and closes reliably. The power development of the rotor could not be captured better and passed on to the hands.

The generated forces

The metal rotor is made to rotate with muscle power through circular movements from the wrist. The speed can be adjusted to the personal training level. Higher numbers of revolutions constantly set new stimuli. Limits can be increased progressively, individually.

The gyroscopic force comes directly from the angular momentum acting on the axis of the rotor. In this way, stability is built up, which is caused by the moment of inertia as well as the rotating speed.

This is how the impressive effect is created according to simple natural laws. The forces generated are up to 75 times higher than the Ironpower®’s own weight of approx. 390 g.

At 10,000 revolutions, a considerable 21 kg already act on the hands and forearm muscles.